Carolina's journal

By Carolina


This is the only shot that didn't get deleted.  I had major technical difficulties after we got home from my sister's house this evening.  I inadvertently deleted all the family photos I had just taken at my sister's house.  UGH!   If I don't properly eject my SD card from the computer and just take it out,  then when I put it back in all the new photos don't show up until I eject it and then put it back in.  I deleted all the old photos and then when I ejected it and put it back in, all the new photos were gone also.  I tried to recover them 4 times and the new ones couldn't be recaptured.  Oh, well.   Lesson learned the hard way.    My sister was very understanding about it.  
   thanks for stopping by.   We've been really busy and of course tonight I spent hours trying to recover the photos.   Eventually I will get to journals.  I appreciate you guys stopping by and all the lovely comments!!

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