Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Firstly, I must apologise for not responding to any comments on yesterday’s Blip - I am most grateful to you all for the lovely comments, stars and hearts.  However, I was so tired when I got home so after we had eaten our meal, I slept for most of the evening and then, when I went to bed, for most of the night!  

This morning I wanted to be up ready to wave Mr. HCB off, but could hear it was raining by the noise the tyres of the cars made outside and what a welcome sound!   Fortunately, that meant he didn’t need to go out to water the plants in the garden, but the greenhouse needed attention, so while he was out there, I had a wander around the garden, in my pink robe!

The number of spiders’ webs in different places was amazing - all bejewelled with the raindrops, but I was more interested in the difference in the Queen of Sweden threesome.

From the shot taken yesterday at 9.22 a.m. - at the bottom of my collage, with the sun shining on them to the shot taken today at 8.16 a.m. at the top - there is such a difference - and I’m not sure which one I like best = they are both beautiful in their own way, I think.

So today will be a “resting pink robe” day for me - as I am helping at the Community Fridge again tomorrow.  Mr. HCB has driven off in the rain, hopeful that it’s not raining in Bristol.  The sky is brightening here, so I hope he’s right.

Take care and thank you for your patience and understanding.  M xx  

P.S.  Just had a call from Mr. HCB - sadly the covers are still on and he doesn’t think there will be any play before 12 noon.  He says there are plenty of people to chat to though - guess he might be having an early lunch!  

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