
By WeeDragon_J

Peacock Butterfly

Peacock Butterfly on the buddleja I brought from Mum's.

Wasn't sure if I was going to keep the buddleja as it can get quite big & has taken over it's temporary spot & burst out of its old pot. No idea where to put it though.

Today had bees, peacocks, red admiral & a small white visiting it. I'll keep deadheading the flowers to see if it will flower longer.

Could hear the broom up the back beginning to pop.

Hung last night washing up, did a tidy up on the mixed hedge at the back & cut round my gate so could get in & out. Cleared away & had a seat with cuppa. Got today's wash out on the line.

Try a bit more tidying up round the garden before getting the bins out. Although there is a rumour about bin strikes in Edinburgh so as yet don't know what's happening. Seems it happens every festival time!

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