
By Hyperion

Shop Front

Love them or hate them there must be supermarket shopfronts like this all over the country. These large stores want to be noticed. Their signs, like beacons, draw us in to their large car parks and cavenous, air-conditioned interiors. When we leave with baskets and bags overflowing, we might have purchased the goods we intended, but often find we also have items we had forgotten we needed or sometimes don't really need at all! I quite like to speak to friendly check-out staff but the experience is becoming more and more  impersonal as they are increasingly replaced by self-service checkouts. What we gain from the convenience, choice and value for money of large stores we pay for in the loss of human interaction. Perhaps this is a bit unfair as some stores do have cafes, bakeries and meat or fish stalls with staff on hand to assist, although their investment and interest in the job does vary a lot. Oh well, had my say now!

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