Happy Moments

By ApolloFly

A bit of gardening

Before and after pictures. Sort of. Some of them have gone into our garden in various locations. The three bowls have been made ready for G&G to take away with them for their garden at the weekend when they come to visit.

In and out like a yo-yo today. First coffee morning, then Callum went out to get the tray of semps. I came back and hung the washing out to dry. Then went off again to help new neighbours Mike and Chris set up their internet.

It took a couple of hours.  Mainly, we found out later, because BT were working on the mast close to us and to expect intermittent breaks in service or slow responses. Would have been nice to know beforehand, however we managed in the end.

By the time I got back Callum had put the bowls together and was working on the rest of the garden stuff. He wanted to have a bit of a change around, so after my video call with Nicoiseannie, I changed into old clothes and went and helped him. We’ve pulled all the alpine planters forward to make them easier to keep tidy, and we’re going to get some tall grasses to sit at the back of the border (raised bed) as a back drop. But that’s for another day.

Of course, the highlight of the day was the chat with Nicoiseannie. We caught up on all sorts, as per :-)

Lovely weather, bright, sunny and a gentle breeze. Just how I like it.

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