Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Sweet peas

In spite of the purple interloper in the corner my most successful sweet peas have been white this year. The scent is delicious and makes up for the lack of colour.
Last night I took the full dose of Nytol rather than the half dose I prefer and it worked, I didn't wake till after 9 then dozed again till 11!
In what was left of the day I met with our 'soon to be departing Rector' to go through various pastoral stuff in preparation for when he has gone. We will still have a share of a curate, but much will fall on my shoulders and that of the rector's warden. I've set up an email address too to keep church stuff separate from personal so far as possible.
I managed after he'd left, to somehow tweak my lower back, it was excruciating so I've had some ibuprofen to try and ease that and hopefully, combined with the hot bath I've just had, things will be better in the morning.
I spoke to the older girls this evening, they've enjoyed day one of the new school session. Isobel has moved from the infant(P1-3) dept to becoming a junior, (P4-5) and as always is very excited!
The gas man cometh in the morning so I dare not take a double dose again tonight, hopefully one tablet will be enough.
Here's a smile:

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