Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Box car!

That was what this strange car looked like, or something Josie might have made out of cardboard boxes or Lego! I spotted it in Sainsbury's carpark this evening. Apparently it's plastic, electric and has a top speed of 28mph!
Let me know if the link doesn't work, sometimes newspaper ones don't.
I slept better off and on last night, my back pain interfered a bit to the extent that I when 9am arrived, I arranged an online video consultation with a physio for this afternoon. I was finding it increasingly painful and difficult to do things - I had to wear flipflops in the rain because I couldn't bend to put other shoes on!.
Typical though, one whiff of a medical appointment and I suddenly felt so much better. I've got an exercise program though and a follow up call next week, but I think I've been lucky and it's gone!
All these years doing manual handling and controlled movements at work must have done some good . I could even touch my toes when she asked me to - two hours before though, I couldn't get even manage to stretch to put things in my shopping trolley, heh ho though, I'm not complaining.

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