
By Hotmandarins


The continued adventures of our playing with a Pluto Valve water drop kit.  

Today we messed around with the mixture in the bowl (actually a wine glass) that we're dropping into.  We added some xanthan gum powder, just a little, and then mixed that with a bit of milk and a bit of normal water.  For the water being dropped we put yesterdays mixture in - water with blue food colouring, and a little milk.

The xanthan gum changes the surface tension, and seems to lead to more consistent results.  I do think I was a little weak with this, I'll try something with more in on a different day I think.

This image was pretty unique - it looks like the second drop has hit a smaller drop going up from the splash, and caused it to be split.  Normally, it's the other way around - the second drop spreading out from hitting the column.

No exciting lunchtime cranes to watch today, but we did talk to a solicitor about some wills, which we've been procrastinating about for years.

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