
By FlyingPRGal

Pimms O Clock

Last day at mum and dad’s. Morning smoothie, coffee and chat in the garden. Dad continues his car valeting service… a perfectionist but he does a fab job of it.

Knuckled down at my laptop for few hours working on air show prep. Today on music suggestions for different aircraft displays.

All too quickly it was mid afternoon and time head off. Enjoyed my few days with the folks and a break from the monotony of being on my own in the flat in uncomfortable heat trying to work at my desk. Always a bug bear when l’m not on location in summer months.

M25 was a bore and too many roadworks driving back to Kent. Made it to the pool in time for a much needed outdoor swim. First one since Saturday!

Home to meet my neighbours in the garden for Pimms o clock. Showed my new American neighbour how to make Pimms. I came armed with strawberries, cucumber and Lemonade. Another neighbour supplied Pimms and ice. We used mint from the garden which added a zing.

Thought it would be a quick drink but ended up chatting outside until 11pm. Most civilised evening and more comfortable temperature too.

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