
By middleman


Back to work after a week and a bit of annual leave. I'd rather have, you know, stopped off forever but needs must.

Lovely and sunny when I got home so I made the effort of going out on the bike for the first time in a long while, the first time since getting it all repaired at not-inconsiderable expense following pothole-related damage. It was great to be out again and get the return-to-fitness ball rolling. I faded significantly in the run home from The East, just didn't have the legs for it. Possibly a bit far in retrospect but what the heck, I made it home fine, if a little later than I would have liked.

Straight out to the pub after a quick freshen up for a catch-up with a couple of pals. Home late, that was Wednesday. It really did go remarkably quickly.

On The Commute

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