Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Luke is working for the rest of this week so this morning we were up early and warming up at the driving range at 6.45am, and had teed off by 7am.The sunlight from the rising sun was still coming over the mountain! As we are one hour ahead of the UK it means Luke can play 9 holes of golf before work. We finished by 8.30am, which is 7.30am UK time. There was no one else on the course except us ( and a few groundsmen, one who was rather grumpy that we were playing when he was trying to mow the green). Gavin had arranged with the club the previous day for us to play early, so all was in order.

Back at the apartment we had breakfast and then Gavin, Xena and I left for a hike from the Rinerhorn mountain near Davos. Today we walked from the top of Rinerhorn down to Monstein, which is a charming little village that also happens to be home of Europe's highest altitude brewery. In this scene you can see all the beer crates stacked up outside their brewery. It was hot today but not nearly as hot as last week which made hiking easier. When we got to Monstein we had a salad lunch at a hotel there and then got the bus back to our car which was parked at the base of Rinerhorn mountain.

Xena is loving all the exercise here and the long walks - she has even lost weight and is at her perfect weight now. Back home we don't have the chance for such long walks every day.

It has been a very active day with an early start so I am feeling rather pooped now. I think we are playing golf early again tomorrow morning as it is the only chance Luke gets when he is working a full day. 

Meriel is off to the Taylor Swift concert in London tonight. We were concerned about security so fingers crossed there are no problems,

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