Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Lessons in Mother

        Unlike many households our three generations were "Mother", Mam & Dad, Jerra & me.
       Why wasn't "Mother" Gran, granny, Nanna or similar?  This is pure guessimetry - BUT - My grandparents lived so much of their lives under the Victorian style that, chances were, Mam addressed them as Mother & Father.  In full blooded Cumbrian that'd be "Muther" & the "a" in father like the "a" in Cat; and no "H" not make a Lahther Fahther- "Mek a lather father."
      Another "Motherism" ran thus - "Fyulls an Bairns shud nivver see a job Hawf finished."  (Translation on request, if rqd.)
       Well this job is certainly "Hawf finished" in that you can now get past and "keep your Breeks dry", but, as yet, un-cleared.
       If you haven't seen yesterday's a swift nip back might reveal all.

EXTRA - Apropos dammall.
      I spotted this lot on my way out of Morrisons.  The teeny, tiny Bike had a set of Derailleur gears which ought to enable the young un to ride up a House-end - BUT - I had a few doubts the Scooter could keep up?

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