Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Balm to my Soul

I spent an hour photographing mostly kittens at the Rescue this afternoon.  The conditions were not ideal since they had to be photographed in their cages which created some challenges.  But as it was only the manager and I, letting kittens escape into the nook-filled room wasn't a good idea.   Some of the kittens were all full of play which made things even more challenging while others were sleeping, like this one.  I landed on this one for today because 1) it's a calico (and we recently said goodbye to our 17 year old calico) and 2) because I loved the blue and amber eyes.  I rarely see cats with two different eye colors like this.  I have to think this sweet thing will be adopted soon.  I am putting two more kittens in Extra just because it was so hard to make a decision today.

The roofers showed up shortly after 7 this morning and quickly got themselves set up and began ripping off the shingles on our roof.  Lord, what a racket.  And since we couldn't drop Jax at daycare until 8:15, he was running from window to window barking up a storm, certain we were under attack by axe murderers.  By mid day, we realized that they would most likely not finish today so I just made arrangements for Jax to have another day at the Inn tomorrow.  He loves it there, so no hardship.  And since Hubs will be running in and out all morning getting his race car loaded up and getting ready to leave by mid day, best not to have Jax underfoot and all amped up.  Oh, and bestie Kura is arriving mid morning tomorrow from NYC.  She will drive north with Hubs and end up near Peg where she will be spending the next 5 days.  It is our turn now to swoop in and take care of our friend as she navigates these very difficult days.  

Because there was a lot of debris flying around from the roof, it wasn't safe for me to be out in the garden (no need to get whacked in the head with a shingle).  I must say that I really miss being able to spend time outside.  Glad that they will be finishing tomorrow so that I will have access to my garden all weekend.

Dark with nuts today.


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