An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Happy Birthday to you!

I can't believe that after another trip around the sun, Alan is now 28 years old!  The time really has flown since that eventful day in 1996.

Today was a much calmer affair with this lazy bones not surfacing till just after 11am.  Oh well, a birthday lie in in acceptable I think :-))

D was up and off to Perth early to take our car to have the brakes replaced.  A very expensive job!  Glad I was sitting down when he told me the cost.  He got the train back and walked from Gleneagles Station and was still home before Alan was awake.

When he finally got up D, Lola and I went to his sitting room to wish him Happy Birthday.  He was very happy opening his cards and gifts and Lola was keen to help. 

After lunch he and Penny headed to Dundee, I am not sure what they did there as apparently that was on a need to know basis!  lol  His pal Andrew will be visiting again soon so a proper celebration will take place then.  Note to ingredients for Malteser Slice! 

This evening has been spent organising Tesco deliveries over the next month and getting tomorrow's order done.  After two weeks of over indulgence in Wales D and I are back on the straight and narrow, so healthy food only ordered. Our halos will be around our waists shining this time next week!  :-))

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