An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Coffee and a clean slate...

First of all, thank you for all the birthday good wishes for Alan yesterday :-))

It's been an easy-osey day today.

Tesco delivery was all present and correct.  Lunch was chicken and vegetable soup (soup in August.  I ask you! )  I've noticed the days getting shorter and I think that and the rain has made me crave soup.  I'll be getting the lentil and bacon soup on soon!

Spent the afternoon in the study, door closed, music on.  Bliss :-)

Gave Mairi's slate another wash and scrub with antibacterial spray then followed that with a coat of gesso.  In 24 hours it will be ready to have acrylic paint applied.  It's ages since I've painted with acrylic paint.  I am looking forward to this one.

Fancied doing a pen and wash painting to practice for Mairi's thistle.  There's something exciting about ditching the pencil and drawing from scratch in pen.  No room for error...well that's what you'd think but actually the opposite is true, it's quite freeing.  If mistakes are made, c'est la vie :-))
Will get some colour on it tomorrow.  

This evening I've been trying to get my menu sorted for friends visiting next Thursday.  I'm torn between making one large dish with accompaniments (like chilli with nachos, tacos, rice etc) or going down a more buffet style route.  Many years ago I used to make my own quiche, including the pastry, so I am considering that with salad, homemade coleslaw and potato salad.  Decisions, decisions :-)

Thoughts with a friend today <3

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