.......funny face.......

Charlotte proving she's not always a little angel............pulling a face at Grandad trying to take a photograph!

Busy day at work....home for 4.00...back out to work for 6.00....our Achievements evening....prizes galore for lower school achievers.......home and straight back out to meet the Boss and D and V for a quiz at a new venue......we won.....£29 voucher for food and drink. We now have one for each of the two locals. We might go out next week and have free food in one and free drink in the other!

Got a result for D today.....he's an artist....he's been looking for an old fashioned OHP (over head projector) to project his drawings onto canvas for painting.....I found him one today at work....due for "recycling" on Friday........he was like a dog with two tails when I gave it to him.

It's turned midnight...I'm whacked...so comments will have to wait until tomorrow.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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