
By LadyFindhorn

Ness of Brodgar

It was the last day for the public and indeed anyone else for many years to view  what was happening at the archeological dig at the Ness of Brodgar. Tomorrow the site will be battened down under tarpaulins with heavy tyres holding them in place. There are years of research work to be carried out on all the stone structures and the thousands of artefacts that have been carefully exhumed over the years since the first roof support was found in 2003 when a field was being ploughed to create a flower garden.That discovery must have been a big surprise!
A Selkie had invited me to join her and her partner for a visit and a guided tour of the site this morning. We joined a hundred or so other people making hearing what the guide was saying hard but what I did hear was fascinating. The site dating back to 2,300 BC and earlier is huge with only a small percentage under investigation. No one knows exactly what the site buildings were used for but one of the attendants told me she liked to think of it as a Stone Age Butlins Holiday Camp. Cattle bones were also found on site and by measurement the boffins decided that the animals were much larger than those of today. Someone has recreated what an animal would have looked like and hence my blip.

In the Afternoon I had a lovely visit from blipper Tweedy  who is also up in Stromness today. It seems we are programmed to meet here rather than maybe more conveniently down in the Central Belt. We plan to change that soon.

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