Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Lie down

Had a nice lie in and not a bad sleep.

I had a big breakfast to line my stomach, as today was going to be heavy. Lol!

First up I made my way across to Jameson Distillery in Bow Street. It was an enjoyable tour and I sampled a few whiskies. I made an exception for my no alcohol rule today, and as I hadn't drunk any for years I was definitely not used to it and it went straight to my head.

Stopped for a cuppa to take away the effect of the alcohol and had a nice lunch. Back to the hotel to drop some goodies off and then back out.

This afternoon I've done the Guinness Storehouse tour and that was absolutely brilliant. I recommend that to anyone, it really is good and they've put a lot of thought into it. At the end you get to sample the good stuff, so yet again I broke my no alcohol rule and thoroughly enjoyed.

I think I need sleep. Lol!

Trouble is I'm heading to the theatre tonight to see Wicked. Well beats being in the hotel on my own.

I will sleep well tonight.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Wonderful tours of Jameson and Guinness. Brilliant!
2  Enjoying time on my own

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