
By Farmerboab

And another one bites the dust......

And no rain !
So after checking all the cattle,and discovering that K21 who calved yesterday had a second calf plunked in the rashes,managed to rodeo all 3 of them into the next door field. My 2 terrier passengers wondered what was going on after falling into the foot well a few times,but we got there.
Eventually managed to head off down the road to mow this field. Was nearly finished when I had to phone wee brother to bring down some Addblu as the warning light was on and didn't want to risk the tractor going into limp home mode.
Back home by 6 pm,a quick check of the cows again ,then off back down the road to feed the heifers. Home via Tesco to get something for my tea as Mrs F and Littlemiss are away to Alicante on a short holiday.
They video called me on WhatsApp tonight..
The wonders of modern technology. Had to get her to hang up at the end though as I couldn't figure out how to switch them off......
Not like in the olden days when you had to find a working phone box and wait till after 6 pm for the cheap rate !

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