
By TonyG


A perfect morning for a walk.   As I started the day very slowly, technically it wasn't morning! but it was before lunch.  Once again we had the woods to ourselves, the dogs able to run free.  C's Meg in the foreground, mine under C's feet in the shade.   We sat a long while on one of the benches, enjoying the view and the peace and quiet.  Just lovely.

Otherwise a day of little jobs getting done.  Household chores, the plants I bought last week planed out, a little pottery, some admin.  All ticks on the interminable list!    This evening a singing rehearsal as we approach a run of four performances in the next two weeks.   We were twelve tonight, as many as it has been for a very long time.   Lots to talk about, lots of laughs ... and we did sing nicely too :-)

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