
By TonyG

Dooo di do do do ...

Or perhaps the cry today was Bring Me Sunshine!   My sense of humour meant that I was singin' in the rain while guarding the last train this afternoon although I was lucky in that I only had rain for a small part of the journey.  Others, earlier in the day, had been less fortunate .... and for a while it was sideways rain in the strong winds.  Not beach weather so the railway was busy.  Tomorrow will be different.

Earlier I had popped to pottery, partly because Meg would not walk past the car.  She's been spooked by something, probably a cat, on our regular routes from home so I took her to the secluded pottery site for a walk.  As we were there I popped in and did a little glazing but when I packed up the sideways rain had arrived.   Since I wasn't going to get anything done in the garden, I stopped at pottery another hour and had a couple of goes in the wheel.   The first yielded a decent bowl but the second, trying a different technique, ended up in the reclaim bucket.   Can't win them all.

After the train and a quick tea, I returned to pottery, the Thursday evening community session ... so not much work done but a few friends caught up with.  I did add another coat to a couple of glaze projects and tried out an idea I had had.  It seemed to work so will probably feature here in due course.  Two days off ahead so I really will get some things done outside!

Singing in the Rain

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