The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

St Cyr's church, Stonehouse

Friend E came over for a visit. I've known her for 43 years, we were at Uni together in Edinburgh. I'd had a much needed lie in, so when E arrived we just sat drinking coffee in the garden (blazing sun again) until we reckoned it was time to go to the Trinity Rooms for lunch. We had a good meal there, then Clean Steve picked us up and took us over to the Factory shop. I'd had some reasons for wanting to go there, but it was most disappointing, so we hurried off to our ne t planned visit, the canal basin/winding hole at Stonehouse, known as the Ocean, next to St Cyr's church, the swing bridge, and the Stonehouse Court hotel's extensive grounds. 

We sat watchibg wildlife for a long time: house martins, damselflies, sparrows, an egret, swans and their cygnet, moorhens and coots (loons if you're Canadian) were among the sights we saw. No kingfisher today! Eventually we took a little stroll in to the hotel garden and fetched ourselves a drink on the terrace, which was busy with people enjoying cold drinks, and afternoon tea  (sandwiches, scones and cakes) which was served on elaborate wooden stands that looked like large vertical printers' trays. 

All in all, it was a relaxed afternoon, with amusing company,  in spectacular surroundings . Perfect.
When we got home, I tidied up and read for a while, then I cooked sea bass and new potatoes. for supper
Later, we watched a documentary with previously unseen (by us) footage, about Woodstock. Good ending to a fabulous Friday! 

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