A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


The sunflower I blipped for Flower Friday just over a week ago is now open ( inset ). It looks good but is more yellow than I was expecting as the reason I wanted seeds from these last year was the lovely amber shades of the petals.

A second flower is just opening and, although smaller it does have the gorgeous shades I was hoping for.
There are lots more buds so it will be interesting to see what appears as they open, they should make an interesting and bright display.

I was awake early this morning, maybe the curry I thoroughly enjoyed last night with 3 other ladies who travelled was something to do with it but it meant I had my washing out early. Not quite as bright today but everything is dry, in and ironed. 
All ready now for the family when they arrive after a long journey from their wonderful Highland holiday. 

Amazingly it is 11 years ago today since Grace and John were married. It was a lovely day with great memories but, no doubt due to the business of the weekend, it still annoys me that my blips were miss dated. So when I look back today it will show the post wedding clearing up instead of the buzzing wedding morning preparations!  No worries the fizz will be out tonight!
Happy anniversary Grace and John!

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