
By Veronica

Thelma and Louise

It was M's annual bar éphémère in his garden/field in Ferrals this evening. The weather was not brilliant this morning -- I was the lone taker for the pool and ploughed up and down in the chilly water buffeted by wind-driven waves. I did not stay long. The weather improved later, but half an hour before S, Ingrid and I set off for the party, there was a brief shower of rain. We armed ourselves with a large blanket and an umbrella.

This may have put some people off, but it was still well attended (see extra). We sat on slightly damp straw bales; it wasn't cold, and no more rain fell, so our precautions weren't needed. Musical entertainment was provided by Thelma and Louise. Unusual to see a female double bass player (Thelma), and Louise played the piano and sang. We enjoyed it -- it wasn't as danceable as previous acts at this event, but they are very stylish and sang cool jazz and some rock in French, English and Spanish.

Memorable parts of the evening included the worst bottle of rosé ever (it was claret-coloured, and the person who sold it to Ingrid said untruthfully "You won't regret it!").  We got several people to try it, but no-one was keen for more. "The second glass is better," said Ingrid valiantly. I ended up pouring the dregs away and buying a much more conventional bottle. Later we were joined at our table by a couple of young lads who had been careering around enjoying themselves all evening, and now became excitedly absorbed in their collection of euro coins from different countries. They were very sweet, and it was lovely to see them and other children happily playing in a safe environment, unhindered by adults.

We left once the music stopped. No accidents with straw bales this time.

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