The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham

Beach Art

…………………………….of the untreeditional kind!

After his teatime nap the wee one didn’t fall asleep until gone 8pm last night although he was settled on the sofa…it took about half an hour of David Attenborough to send him off, it’s usually only 5 or 10 minutes. We were both tucked up in bed before 10.30pm and he didn’t waken until about 7.30am this morning. After he’d eaten half a pancake we had about an hours play in bed before heading downstairs to make sure he was dressed and ready before he was picked up as they were all going away for the day. The rest of the morning was spent fairly quietly once I’d tidied the toys away.

L decided she was coming to visit so as I didn’t have a vehicle I didn’t bother heading to Berwick for the Food Festival…she didn’t arrive until about 3pm so I got my bed stripped and remade and a couple of other chores done. A walk along the prom before she took her boots off. We’ve had an early tea of chicken fajitas with enough leftovers for me tomorrow, which is always a bonus!

My driftwood blip has only appeared since my last walk on Thursday…I thought it suitably silly for a Saturday and derelict/desolate enough for Sunday. Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday.

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