
By suehutton


This is Nineteen, a very sociable castrated tup who came with a group of ewes and a lamb to display at Oscar's patch this afternoon. He is now a pet sheep. He ate well today. All the kids, and some adults too, including me, were offering sheep pellets. The young lady who was minding them explained that his quiet, friendly nature appeals to an audience and helps to calm the skittish ewes. See extra for the ewes.

After dropping Len off at tennis, Basil and I drove over to Oscars' as I'd intended to experiment with my camera, except that I'd forgotten to insert the SD card.

So I ended up sitting at a bench in the peaceful countryside with sunflowers and growing pumpkins on either side sipping a coffee. Basil made a bee line for Indie, Oscar's dog who is on heat, but he was easily distracted as he doesn't have the wherewithal. After wandering around a bit, he laid out on the grass behind me. There was plenty of room for visitors but we weren't overrun. That's what I like about Oscar's, there's so much space.

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