
By amandoAlentejo

Orange and Blue

Had a quick paddle out in the kayak, over to Mike's bather, which we hadn't realised had emerged from the water. Coolest I've been all day, as the choppy waves splashed over me. Coming back at about 8pm, this glorious sight, of "our" castle, with the almost full moon above it, and the setting sun behind us painting the Land deep orange.

Straight ahead of the kayak, one of the roads that ends in the Lake now, where we would have launched from, except that two fishermen were busy there, so we went from an inlet more to the right.

- our oh-so-faithful support group listening to us, and praying for us this morning
- getting to the market before Maria and Zé packed up, to restock with fruit, veggies, honey, eggs
- a quick chat with Dan and Mireille, Kasia, and Tanya at the market café

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