
By Wildwood


I spent most of the day finishing this prototype. Now all I have to do is figure out how to make it at least four times larger....and swap out these colors for the new ones.  My neighbor is coming over this evening to look at it.  I hope she likes it, but I also hope she will tell me if she doesn't. I like to have a specific person in mind when I'm making a quilt but in this case it is difficult because I know her so well. Her abstract paintings are wonderful. I have several of them myself, but translating abstract fine art into a quilt, which is basically a craft, is quite a challenge. But a challenge I quite enjoy.

Our social group has perfected the somewhat obscure art of the appetizer dinner and we enjoyed an evening of good food and good company at Gail and Bob's house last night. Tobi brought bruschetta with her homegrown tomatoes and Dan made apple fritters. Bob made an artichoke quiche and a green salad (not exactly an appetizer). The conversations begun in the morning over coffee continued over dinner with an added discussion of various television programs and what to do instead when you feel like you are watching way too much television. 

There is a program called 'The Mind of a Dog' that was filmed at the Canine Companions for Independence center where dogs are trained to be companion dogs for people with a whole range of disabilities. We see these dogs in their blue and yellow vests with their trainers all over town.
According to Tobi it is a very good documentary and has the added draw of local settings.

The weather has been quite odd today. Wee had coffee on the porch in the sunshine but had to come inside when clouds covered the sun and the temperature dropped. It is still in the 70's and quite humid, unusual for this time of year, but quite a welcome change from the hot dry days that are more typical of this time of year.

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