
By PicturePoems


... where we spent a wonderful day, and experienced kindness beyond measure from a range of nationalities, when I ended up Bruges-ed and battered. I'm fine now, though not a pretty sight, but ... 

on our way to be picked up by family, and despite wearing sensible shoes and socks, I tripped and faceplanted the pavement. Wrote off my sunglasses,  scratched to beggary. Nose wouldn't stop bleeding till a young woman gave me a tampon to shove up the worse side; rolled up tissue up the other side. So many kind people stopped by to help supplying comfort and advice, tissues, wet wipes, conjuring up ice (quite an egg on one brow), and chairs. One woman was physically cleaning blood off my face and pouring water over my bloody hands (blooded from my nose, not in themselves). My nose and forehead took the brunt of the fall...

However, all was well. (We are adding tampons to our first aid kit!) Nothing broken. Didn't lose consciousness.  Wasn't sick. It could all have been so much worse.  And I cannot exaggerate how many kind people stopped to help. A wonderful reminder that there IS more good in people than bad!

The day had begun so well with Wordle in 2! Ha!! 

Back-blipped on Sunday after a good night's sleep. As I say, I'm not a pretty sight, but I've not scared the grandchildren! NOW let the fun resume...

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