A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

At the pond.

The family arrived just before 10.00 last night and we had the promised fizz whilst the girls busied them selves in what Jude was calling ‘our’ room. Her first time in a full size bed of her own in with Eda and she was very excited. Meanwhile Eda had found the craft box and was occupied making an octopus in the style of the one we made last year with a plant pot after visiting Settle Flower Pot Festival. This time she used a hessian bag and pipe cleaners.

Needless to say no one was in a hurry to get up this morning. I think we finally finished breakfast at 11.45! John had been roped into making a pipe cleaner model of ‘Nanty’ the boat they have in the highlands.

Then it was off to Coppice Pond to feed the ducks. Always fun. We saw and fed all the juvenile swans and the adults but they are not in evidence in this shot, I just liked the movement in this  from the wind and the girls’ action.

We then walked over to the play park where they had a great time. I must say they have done an excellent job with it’s renovation. Lots of people there but it never seemed overcrowded and no waiting to get onto the equipment.
Jude is very adept at ‘swinging’ herself which is great, saves on pushing!

Of course an ice cream was obligatory and was certainly  an aid to walking back to the estate entrance.

After a light/late lunch we are now waiting for Alex to arrive for dinner. The girls have been occupied making Hammer Bead pictures, again from the craft box. They are looking forward to Alex coming as he always helps them play with the Britains farm that was his. 

Great to be all together.

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