Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


Today was epic in so many ways!

I had a nice lie in.

I thought I'd walk to Croke Park, to test the route for tonight. It was pretty straightforward.

In the morning I did the city bus tour, it was really good and Pete the bus driver was very funny. As is required, I said 'cheers drive' as I left the bus.

I had some lunch and then thought I'd got and visit the old library in Trinity College. I messed up, I needed to book. I managed to get a slot at 4:30pm, which makes me feel stressed with the gig tonight.

That wasn't the only thing that got me stressed, as I then found out that I had reached the cap on roaming charges from my company. Which meant I couldn't use any apps and struggle to contact people. I was getting extremely stressed.

The Old Library in Trinity College is absolutely amazing. I fell in love on first sight. I'd move in tomorrow, if I had the chance. Lol! I also saw the Book of Kells, an amazing Celtic gospel from the 9th century.

I then finally met up with my twitter friend Niamh, it was great to finally meet her in person. She was off to the AC/DC gig the same as me.

The gig was awesome! So much better than the Wembley gig that AC/DC did. I think the atmosphere in Croke Park made it as well, and you could see the band fed off that atmosphere. It was one of those moments, you just had to be there.

Panic on getting out of the gig, they directed us to a completely different direction as to where I came in. With no google maps now because of the phone problem, stress levels shot up. Luckily there was good information on how to get back to the city centre and I eventually worked out where I was. My walk in the morning made me familiar with the route and once I recognised it, the stress dropped off. I eventually made it in just before midnight.

I won't get much sleep tonight, I've booked a taxi for 4:45am to get back to the airport. My stress now is all about whether it turns up and my phone problems don't impact on it.

Today has been absolutely brilliant and I've loved every moment of my time in Dublin.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Finally meeting my friend Niamh
2.  Seeing the Old Library at Trinity College
3.  An epic AC/DC gig

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