Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Sponsors Day

This is Kelvin, he owns the gym I go to and he has sponsored our golf society this year, nice new T shirts with our golf club logo and his gym logo on. Today was his day, he came down to the club, spoke to everyone before they teed off, gave away some freebies, and got kisses off the ladies. The lady I am with is a potential new member to the club, not sure whether we will let her join, she hasn't got the right attitude, but thats a committee decison.

Its been a long day for Roy and I as we organsied everything, we have spent ages going through all the cards checking scores to determine the winner, which we have now done, so its shower time then off out for a bite to eat. I've also organised the lunch for 60 people tomorrow so we can then do the prize giving, looking forward to that.

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