Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Bird In The Bush

Our neighbours Archie and Jayne popped in midday for a cuppa and a chat sat in our rear garden enjoying the sunshine.

By 1pm, granddaughter Amelia and her mum arrived to collect Mrs BB as they're visiting our grandchildren in Godalming (Surrey, UK) and staying in a hotel sharing a room for a couple of nights.

The only photo' I took all day is of the bird in the bush that was looking at me as I sat on the sofa. I'm not sure what it is - but I know one of you will soon tell me! 

I was hoping for a good sunset - there was a vivid red sun but it went down leaving no colours whatsoever. It's like a box of chocolates - you never know which one you're going to get to quote a line from a famous film!

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