See it, Snap it, Share it

By pplnani


………. a quick phone shot taken a bit before midnight, when I realised I hadn’t taken any photos today ;-))

We worked in the garden all day - hubby was digging out some rock hard ground and installing some lawn edging, it was hard work but it looks so much better now. Still several other edges to do but we’ll get there in the end.
Meanwhile, I was doing more chopping back of things that have just grown almost out of control, including a bay tree that is now at least 20 feet tall. I’m quite slow when I do these things because I have to make sure I’m cutting off the right bits, I would be really annoyed if I accidentally cut a big bit that ruined the shape - you can’t stick it back on once it’s cut :-/
Anyway, it seemed to wear us both out and we both dozed off while watching tv this evening - I hope we manage to sleep ok tonight now ;-)

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