On Some Days

By V1k1

Happy Birthday My Old Friend . . . John Williamson

My name is Vicki and today I am seventy.  I have no idea how that happened.  It seems such an age.  I was spoilt by my friends with presents arriving in the mail.  Andrew, Bev and Kasper came for coffee and cake.  In the afternoon the three of us wrapped up warmly and went to Mapua for a fish n chips late lunch.  There is snow on the tops.  When I took the blip there was a break in the clouds and the sun streamed in.  TLD flies back to Auckland this evening but we have been online and booked concert tickets for October.  I will look forward to flying to Auckland for that and then it will be Christmas to look forward to. 

. . .  So it's your birthday and you're still smilin'
Still livin' witha ll your might
Still lookin' forward to what's around the bend . . . 

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