Happy Moments

By ApolloFly


Completely at a loss how to represent ’laughter’ for MM today, however it turned up in an unexpected place - doesn’t it always!!

I walked the dogs down by the allotments this morning and as it has been quite dry recently, we cut in through the first section, along the back of the second and out via the path between the second and third sections.

As we were coming up the path, Dennis was standing there ready for a chat. He’s very close to 90 years old and has three allotments, one of which he’s been tending for 65 years!!

The subject got round to my two dogs, Jack Russell’s and how they are perfect (even bred for I think) ratting. Dennis told the story about many years ago, when trying to clear the allotments of vermin, he and a much more knowledgeable friend of his rounded up some rat traps and then once they had some caught (26 was the number he remembers) they took them to the local farmer who had Jack Russell’s and pulled out the rats one by one to the waiting hounds. His mate gave him good advice, don’t stick your hand in the cage if there is only one rat left inside….. [cue much laughter from both of us]

He also told several other tales about the local area, his football playing career and laughter was heard through the conversation. I was by then brave enough to ask him if I could take his picture for my photographic diary/journal and of course he was chuffed to oblige.

Looking forward to seeing what links (tenuous or otherwise) other blippers come up with today. 

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