Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


…but even I draw the line at asking complete strangers to laugh for me, but I’m working on it!

This morning before we went out, I got Mr HCB to put on his hat and sunnies, then I put my sunnies on - and here’s my mono selfie - and I’m even ON THEME today!

I know many people have issues in their lives and feel they aren’t able to laugh but we genuinely feel blessed to be able to laugh - despite all we have been through.

We believe that laughter has enabled us to cope well with many difficult things that have happened in our lives by seeing the humour in the situation and then laughing when we do.   I’m sure I speak for Mr HCB when I say that “our medicine” every day is to find something that makes us laugh!

I’m not one for taking medication and was happy once I had weaned myself off all my tablets following my back surgery, but one thing we all need to do is to find something each day that makes us laugh - or if not laugh, then at least smile.

I’m sure many of you have found that a Good Sense of Humour has helped you through a difficult situation - and, although I have no need to go on “dating sites” I have noticed that many of those looking for a partner or companion often say “GSOH required”, so there must be something in it that helps us through life.  They even have "Laughter Clinics" in Japan because doctors realise laughter reduces stress and boosts immunity.

I’m sure you won’t be surprised to know that there is a verse in the Bible that says:
“Being cheerful keeps you healthy.”
Proverbs 17:22

It might annoy people if you are cheerful all the time, but as far as I am concerned, it certainly beats being miserable and I love to smile at people when I am out walking - and sometimes, they even smile back! ;-)  M xx

P.S.  The quote on the wall behind us "Peace, Joy, Love and Chocolate" was given to us by some special friends, Frank and Rachel, a few years ago at Christmas - they obviously know me so well - and who wouldn't laugh having those four things?

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