Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


I couldn't go to the Community Fridge today as I had a hairdressing appointment booked for this morning, so decided not to take part in the Tiny Tuesday challenge today because I was sure I would find something whilst we were out.

Mr. HCB also needed a haircut so went off and found a barbershop where they actually spoke English! That might sound strange to you but he did say that when he went into a Turkish barbershop, he found it quite difficult because (a) he had to take out his hearing aids - they are too expensive to leave in and perhaps get damaged - and (b) because those who cut his hair are Turkish and often don't speak much English so there wasn't much communication! He said even at his age he still likes to chat to the person who is cutting his hair!

My Hairdresser, Fran, asked if I wanted the usual cut, but I told her that I would like it to be much shorter over my ears and at the back and with a wispier fringe, because now that I don't have to wear glasses that much I don't need to worry about them poking my hair out all over the place! 

She set to and before long, she had done exactly as I asked and I was really pleased.  Whilst waiting for her because she was making her previous client a cup of tea, I rearranged some of the products that she uses – not sure that I need an “Ego Boost”, but guess it's there if I need one in the future ;-) 

As I was leaving the salon, I saw a friend I haven't seen for several years and stopped to have a chat with her – apparently she suffers from the same thing as me - "dry eyes" so I was able to tell her about my experience with the "I" newspaper and the print thereon, and said I felt that had caused a lot of the issues with my eyes.  I also told her that she could read any of the daily newspapers if she logs into Borrowbox, through our local Library and said that if she had any issues, she could call me and I would help her to set it up.

I then went round to Jack's where I found Mr. HCB sporting his new haircut, so we had a coffee and a chat before we went down to our favourite charity shop, DEBRA.  Of course, we bought several things in there, and I told Sarah, the manager, that the day we don't buy anything, will be a sad day, and she agreed!

Whilst in Jack's and through the partition window by the side of me, I couldn't help but smile seeing the lady who was directly behind Mr HCB but because of the angle it looked as if she was sitting on the lap of the man next to her - and that provided “my medicine” for today - see yesterday’s Blip if you wonder what I’m talking about - so I quickly took a photograph and you can see what I mean. 

The “bonus” in the title was meeting up with some dear Christian friends, Trevor and his wife, Louise, as we were walking back to the car.  We haven’t seen them for sometime, as Trevor has been very poorly, so it was wonderful to see them.  They were just going to have a cup of coffee in a nearby coffee shop - not Jack’s - so we joined them - and had a great time chatting about this and that - and said we must definitely do it again before too long.  Trevor is waiting for a kidney transplant, and is trusting God that it will be done in HIS time - as he said when we left “This wasn’t a coincidence, but a God-incidence” and how right he was and of course, I gave them both one of my little hearts - just a shame I forgot to take a photograph - perhaps next time!

Mr. HCB has now gone out to collect a donation for the Community Fridge from a local supermarket whilst I am doing a little Domestic Goddessing - before I go out this evening to a meeting about how we can involve the ladies in our Church in some activities - the men often go out and have fun together, so I thought “Why can’t the ladies do the same?” Watch this space.

Have a great day and be blessed!  M xx  

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