The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham

Would you..

……………………..Adam and Eve it? This birthday card caused much laughter when I received it earlier this month. It came from one of the Zumba ‘girls’ who I’ve only known for about a year…but we have exactly the same sense of humour and we’re often found helpless with laughter together. She’s a little older than me but I do hope I age as disgracefully as her!!

The usual Zumba, cuppa and walk along the prom this morning. A quick lunch, phone call to the bank and a quick trip to M&S for some top up supplies as the boys are going away for a few days and they’re using my car. A camera club committee meeting this evening, hopefully it won’t go on too long and I’ll get caught up on some commenting later.

Thanks to ApolloFly for hosting Mono Monday this week.

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