Further my skills

By H0tamer


No, this is not archaeology, but just the continuance of our project "vegetable patch". At the left side is the end of the ditch I dug last Saturday. We had some rain since then, that almost filled the wheelbarrow. The bottom of the ditch was a 5-10cm layer of mud. I dug that out today, so the bottom will be dry again when we will put the concrete for the fundament on it.
At the right is the big ditch I dug so I have room to work. The smaller ditch will connect to the one at the left. Only the palisades towards the right end side will be smaller to compensate the slope (an incline of 20 cm over 4m), so the ditch can be less deep too.

I finished the ditch nearly later this afternoon, just some finishing touch needed. So tomorrow we will be placing a (hopefully large) number of palisades.

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