Further my skills

By H0tamer


The work on our  vegetable patch continued today. Luckily it was not as hot as yesterday.
I gave the ditch the finishing touch. And then I started preparation for the wall, by getting all the stuff needed. Getting cement, buckets, drill (to mix the cement with water to concrete), etc. etc.
Then around noon we started in the far corner and placed three palisades, just to have a starting point.
From there we first went on building the wall at the east side. It is the highest, and the palisades were a bit recalcitrant; they didn't want to stay put but tried to fall in all four directions. I used more concrete than calculated, so we will probably have to buy some bags more.
The granite palisades are not flat sided, but have a very rough surface and the thickness can very, between palisades but also in a palisade. Hence I had to put something between the tops of the palisades, otherwise each new palisade would bend over to its neighbour and in the end the wall would be much smaller at the top than at the bottom, with the first one standing really vertically and the last one terribly askew.

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