An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

World Photography Day...

A great start to the day with another pool session.  The rest of the week is really busy so I suspect it will be next Monday before I get the chance to have another.

D was playing golf in the rain at Bishopbriggs today with Kenny and Steven.  They are mad keen.

It has been so cold today!  The Aga is normally switched off till the end of September but I am seriously considering switching it on!  My wee studio was cosy though and I spent most of the afternoon in there painting Mairi's  thistle on slate.  Got the main shapes and colours down but by the end of the session I wasn't happy with the leaves so I painted them out and will start those again.  Like the pool session, it will probably be next week before I get back to the painting.

Made a new dish (to us) for dinner.  Thai chicken meatball curry.  It was so delicious.  Will definitely make it again.

While I was making dinner Nikki messaged me to see if we are free tomorrow evening. She and Andrew have a pregnancy scan tomorrow that will reveal the sex of the baby, so she asked if we wanted to be at theirs tomorrow evening when they come back to find out what the sex is, along with Ele, Kenny and Jen.  Yes!  :-))  It won't be an elaborate gender reveal as Esme is going with them, so I suspect it will consist of Esme barging in the front door shouting "it's a girl / boy"!!!  :-)))

Ele and I are betting on a boy.  If it's a girl my blip will be of Andrew crying or looking very scared. He has nothing against girls, he's just worried they get another Esme!  She is a bit of a handful understatement! :-)  I suspect it will be fish suppers for tea to celebrate.  We are class ;-))

When I saw it was world photography day today I knew I didn't have a spare minute to put any thought into what to photograph or time to spend creating a special blip, so I did the next best thing and blipped the Blonde Bombshell :-)) 

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