
By Wildwood

Full Moon

Sometimes life throws us a little surprise just when we need it. I was out of time, out of ideas and out of sorts when I came across this shot of the full moon I took with my phone last night. I'm using it straight out of the camera because I like its painterly quality and abstractness. I wasn't even trying very hard because I knew my phone wasn't up to the task, but this is what it came up with, and I like it.

We took Spike up to his meadow first thing and then basically abandoned him, not in the meadow, I hasten to add but once we got home again. We both had other tasks we wanted to pursue. Just as we were both getting started on our respective  efforts, the plumber from Moore Home Services came to inspect the pipes under our house. This was yet another 'free'  service resulting from the findings of the last guy under the house. His report was lengthy and Spike kept trying to get our attention with the old Kong underneath the couch trick. When we ignored him, he started growling at it, By the time the Moore guy (Alex) gave us his report, not free at all since it involves replacing old, corroded cast iron sewer pipes,  the rest of the day was shot. We're getting on a first name basis with a large portion of their expanding staff and they are all very pleasant, but it can get a bit exhausting. Another one is coming tomorrow to look at the heat pump, but that shouldn't take long, assuming he can answer my questions about setting the thermostat in a timely manner.

The good part is that we are meeting Kathy and Mike downtown at a restaurant called The Bird & the Bottle. Kathy made the reservation for 5:15, either the Blue Hair Hour or Happy Hour depending on our state of mind. But I don't have time to analyze it, just to apologise for lack of comments, or even much of interest to say...

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