
By Wildwood

Plum Twigs

We have a plum tree that grows in a sort of impossible place yet it continues to grow and put out these twigs which have to be clipped off in order to control its growth. I stuck them into a big vase and put them in a corner of our bedroom at the end of a bookshelf where they've been for years.  I like the way they look and they are very undemanding. Many thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting this month.

John got up in the dark this morning to go get an MRI...yet another test that he did with no explanation from the neurologist as to why he ordered it. I would have changed doctors, but John is not one to ask questions and I decided I'd better just stop ranting to him about it. He was home just in time for our Pilates on the floor which was pretty funny because Bob's screen kept intermittently freezing due to some internet malfunction during which he couldn't hear Maggie, the teacher. She finally suggested that he call her and put her on speaker so that he could at least hear what she was saying. The result was that he wasn't getting her instructions, and she was trying to figure out how to say what she wanted him to do. We were all pitching in trying to help.

No sooner did that end than the Moore guys were back again, this time it was the heat pump guys. They ran through the thermostat program for the heat pump with me, but I was still none the wiser. I'm a reasonably intelligent person, but the workings of the thermostat defeats me. It's second nature to these guys, so much so that they really aren't very good at explaining it. Since the heat pump is less than a year old, they couldn't find anything wrong with it but they did suggest that we needed more insulation in the attic. Those rats have wound up costing us a fortune. We decided to put that off until we recover from the pain of 
all the pending plumbing work, which I'm afraid we can't blame on the rats.

Speaking of which, we had dinner with Kathy and Mike, last night and Mike, who is a contractor, offered to send his plumber out to give us a quote. He agreed that the pipes needed to be replaced, but thought his guy could do the work for less. I was all for it, but since the Moore guys are already scheduled to do it next week, John just wanted to get on with it. I'm beginning to think we should just have these guys come live with us, but I'm pretty sure one of them wouldn't have wanted to do that since is wife is due to have a baby girl any day....We enjoyed the restaurant and quite liked eating earlier. The patrons were just about evenly divided between the blue hairs like us, families with young children and groups of young women in impossibly short skirts sitting at the bar enjoying happy hour. I don't know if it was deliberate, but I suspect it was, that we were seated in a different room away from the bar, with most of the blue haired set....It was certainly a lot quieter.

I had a phone call from an old Berkeley friend today. We hadn't talked in a couple of years, so we nattered on for an hour catching up with each other and vowing not to let so much time go by before talking again. It was really good to talk to her again and get up to speed on what is going on in the old stomping grounds...

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