
By Aliscotia


I was delighted to hear today that I received an award in the International Garden Photographer of the Year Still Life competition for this image. Here's a link to the results...
My image is entitled "Love-in-a-mist" and I received a "finalist" award, which puts me in the top six. Rob recently got a small smoke machine for his miniature photography and I thought the addition of mist would look good on a flower image. Given Nigella is also known as "Love-in-a-mist" I thought it would make a great flower for my first experiment of this kind. I was really pleased with the image but you just never know what judges will think so I got a lovely surprise when I saw the results today. A big thank you to Rob for working the smoke machine for me. I've done some shots where I work it myself but it's much easier to focus on the patterns the smoke is making if you are not actually moving the machine yourself!
Definitely celebrating with a glass of wine tonight!

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