Every Picture Tells .....


Bowls and Chips

After a good night's sleep and I started the day with a bit more garden work - digging out and replacing slate chips alongside the paths. I’ve now conquered 80 metres in total, with just a final five metres standing between me and the end of the path.

The afternoon saw me in Rhuddlan for the home bowls match against Bryn Newydd. The weather was on its best behaviour—sunny and dry—and the green was in tip-top shape. We clinched a solid 10–2 victory, with eight wins out of ten and an extra two points for the aggregate. In my own game  I finished with an easy 21–5 win. 

Post-match, Prue and I ventured to Rhyl and indulged in a legendary fish and chip tea at Les and Rita’s Fish Bar—an award-winning spot that’s been family-run since 1968. 

Back home, I took a  stroll around the village, gave the wilting pot and hanging basket plants a much-needed drink, and now I'm in front of the TV to unwind. 

A snap of me in action on the green and, of course, the obligatory fish and chips photo as an extra.

A day well spent!

19,000 steps

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