If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

SpaMedica Kendal

I began my journal almost eleven years ago to record my progress up to and after my hip replacement.  I never expected to go for more than a few months.  I apologise for the length and detail of what follows, it is for my record.

So now I am recording the run up to and the aftermath of another operation.  Three or four years ago my optician noticed I had cataracts forming.  Last September he moved me from two yearly check ups to yearly.  A fortnight ago I had an appointment as I felt my sight was deteriorating.  He then told me it was time I had my left eye operated on.

To day I had my pre-op appointment at SpaMedica in Kendal.  No I am not going privately this is where the NHS are sending me.I was first seen by a nurse who took my blood pressure and asked me all sorts of questions which as I had given them permission to access my medical records they should have known.She was very good and helped allay my fears of having somebody "poking about in my eye".

Next I was passed on to a team next door.  First they measured my eyes.  This was very painful!  Not because of the process but because the lady trying to do this took so long.  Mt neck hurt from the position I had to be in, my eyes were streaming.  Finally a young man took over put the machine off auto on to manual and completed everything in less than a minute.  Then a nurse in the other corner tested the pressure of my eyes and tested my sight.  He young man then used a machine to photograph my cataracts.

SO it was then on to the optometrist in the third room.  He dilated my irises, examined my eyes and gave me pre and post operative advice.  He also surprised me by telling me that about a month after they did the left eye they would be doing the right eye as I was booked in for both eyes.

Then on our way out I had to make an appointment for the op.  I was offered the first week in September.  No chance!  We are off in Solace on the 13th and the optometrist had said I have to lift nothing heavier "than a pebble" for the first fortnight.

So the date is set for the 24th of September.

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