Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Off on an adventure

Our friend, Iain, has been staying with us for a week and this morning we had to take him back to Newquay Airport so that he could catch a flight back to Edinburgh.  Ann said, 'Trixie, would you like to come with me and then once we've dropped off Iain, we can go on a little adventure together.' Obviously I wanted to go with her. We haven't been on an adventure for ages and I don't think we've been to Newquay this year.

Ann doesn't feel like she did enough with Iain on his hols. Obv we have a lot of friends who want to come to stay because St Ives is such a lovely place, but this year she decided to be strict and limit herself to one lot of visitors per month. Much as she loves all her friends, it's totally exhausting having people to stay. She's also working 4 days a week, so on those days (by the time she's walked me for a couple of hours) she really doesn't have much time to do anything else. Iain seems to have been happy enough just to sit around and read his book no way would Ann have been happy with a holiday like that and he says he's had a good rest. Oh and the humans have done quite a bit of drinking. …...........Ann more than Iain. Lol!  Actually, that's all they've done, apart from go to Asda. Lol!

Moving swiftly on............................

After we'd dropped Iain at the airport we drove into Newquay and parked by the boating lake. The plan was to do a big walk and have a bit of lunch. Mmmmmmm.................. best laid plans and all that. The parking by the boating lake was only for 3 hours (Ann was sure it was a non restricted area the last time we were there). We had to forgo lunch. Booohooo!!

Walked all the way along the Gannel Estuary to  Pentire Peninsula. From there we walked the coastal path to Fistral Beach. Then did a little bit of walking in the town but it was very busy and all I could see were legs coming towards me. Ann is a very nice owner so she knew of a 'secret' route (that wasn't busy) to get us to the other side of town so that we could walk back to the boating lake.

We walked for six and a half miles, which took us about two and a half hours and for most of that time I was off my lead running about, so I'm a tired little Collie pup now. Ann has just woken me up and made me go for a little toileting walk around the field. I didn't really want to because I'm a bit sleepy. In fact I'm so sleepy I've just gone back to sleep. I haven't even bothered eating my dinner.

And that's been our day. Much as Ann loves having friends to stay; she also loves it when they go home. ............................A peaceful evening, just the two of us, beckons.

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