Taking it easy

We've done quite a few long walks recently so today Ann said we were going to take it easy. I've only had two little walks and a play with my ball, but to be honest I've been happy to snooze the rest of the time. Ann's also been for a swim and done a supermarket shop, but apart from that she's not had a very productive day either. The plan was to write some more of her book, start her tax return and do some household admin; none of which has happened.

Oh and while we're on the subject of supermarket shopping.................... has anyone else noticed how the size of toilet rolls are getting smaller, whilst the price is increasing, and she's sure the price of washing up liquid and bin bags have gone up by 50%. Some things you just NEED so it's not exactly like you can just stop buying them is it?!

Anyway, what is really strange is how hungry I've been today, after so little exercise. I asked for my dinner at 4pm so Ann gave me a carrot as a starter. I was still hungry so she gave in and let me have my dinner at 4.30pm. I gobbled it all up and I'm fast asleep again now.

….................And Ann's just tried to sit out on the balcony because it's actually been quite hot today, but unfortunately it's too windy.

…................And that's been our day................ Ann's been out with friends every single day for more than a week. She's also been drinking wine every single day for more than a week, so this evening is going to be all about eating home cooked food (lamb shank, cauliflower & cheese sauce, & new potatoes, if anyone is interested) and watching soaps, before having an early night.

Happy Monday evening Blippers. xxx

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