
By Beewriter

Piper Elsie Jean

Three weeks in the world….Laura came to Sale with Piper for a visit before the session started. Such tiny fingers, tiny toes and tiny ears. I’ve not held a newborn for quite a while and it is always amazing to see such a tiny perfect little being.

We ask supplementary questions to donors during screening and I threw in an extra one today….If you could have a super power what would it be? Well, it sparked lots of laughs and conversations. Invisibility was popular until we thought about all the negative aspects such as sneaking around people, listening in to conversations and observing others when they are unaware. Flight was also popular and I laughed out loud at the woman who went a step further….the ability to fly so she could poop on people she didn’t like!

Telekinesis, speaking every language, teleporting and X-ray vision all came up. Once you start thinking about each super power you will come across positive and negative sides to it….especially with time travel. Do you just observe or do you change history? Oooh the debate could go on forever…..

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